What's Recent for Residents

Local information for Village of Saranac Residents, from important phone numbers to information on recycling.

Whether you're a Resident or a Saranac Aficionado, you can find information here just for you! Listed below are notes about What's New in the area, as well as Notices from the Village, starting with the most current and moving down to original postings.

Important Phone Numbers

For current and coming residents, here are some phone numbers that might be useful:

 Emergencies : 911
Police (Non-Emergency) : 616-527-0400
Fire Department (Non-Emergency) : 616-642-6000
Municipal Building /Village Office : 616-642-6324


Looking for other information?

For viewable and downloadable documents online:   Forms & Docs.

For the latest Dashboard of the Village of Saranac's Revenue and Performance:   Transparency Reporting.

Questions or comments?
Don't hesitate to Contact us.


MPSC Consumer Tips for Video/Cable Complaints


Water & Sewer Rates Effective 01-01-2025

To view or download Water & Sewer Rates document click on image to the right:                             



Refuse/Recycling Services & Rates for Village Residents   

The Village of Saranac contracts with Granger for residential Refuse & Recycling Services. Call the Village Office at 616-642-6324 to add or change services. Please see flyers below for more information, or visit Granger’s website at www.grangernet.com.

     Waste Collection ServicesImage1Image1 VoS recycling info  Image1 Recycle Calendar 2022Image1

                                 Customer GuideImage1              Cart Placement   Image1            Recycling Guide    

Image1Image1 VoS recycling info  Image1 Recycle Calendar 2022Image1

                                                    Recycling Calendar   Image1       Refuse & Recycling Rates Image1               


Granger observes the following holidays; New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day. If these holidays fall on a weekday, collection will be delayed by one day. If these holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, there will be NO delay.